Cover Reveal! Balance Keepers 3
I'm so excited. Today, I get to reveal with you the final cover for Balance Keepers #3- The Traitor of Belltroll! This is such a bittersweet moment, because it's the end of a trilogy, but also, the book I'm most proud of in this series. For those who don't know, Balance Keepers was a collaborative project with NYT Bestselling author, Patrick Carman, who helped me develop this series years ago, when I was still a baby baby writer :)
I'm SO excited to reveal with you the GORGEOUSNESS that is this cover! A hint....there's HORSES. FLYING HORSES, GUYS!
Are you ready?!
(I am).
Preorder it now HERE!
Balance Keepers 3 releases on November 8, 2016, in stores and online!